(Preschool Electives)

Lunch Bunch is an optional after-school program offered by qualified instructors to morning preschool students. Classes are offered after the regular morning classes. Lunch Bunch is from 12:15-12:45pm, and the elective is from 12:45-1:30pm. Parents and guardians pick up their students from their elective class at 1:30pm.

After morning preschool is dismisses, Lunch Bunch takes place before the elective classes. Your child will need to bring a completely nut-free lunch from home, which they will eat during a supervised lunch time before starting their elective class.

After Lunch Bunch has finished, students head to that day’s elective. Although electives options vary from year to year, some electives offered in the past have been: Soccer Tots, Funtastic Fitness, Art (Little Picassos), Science (Little Einsteins), Mini Chefs, Mini Yoga, Lego Club, and Gardening (Let’s Get Dirty!).

These elective classes are taught in 6-8 week sessions throughout the year. Elective classes are offered on a “first come, first served” sign-up basis and have an additional fee. The first session begins in October.